Saturday, February 28, 2015

This and that...

So I have received my Skin Food by Aubrey products!!! I am so excited to start using them.

 This order looks huge because some of it is for my mom. We got a variety of different things. I have heard nothing but great things about all of her products. I have several friends that use them and swear by them. So, I figured I needed to try them out! Especially because they are all organic and non GMO... My kind of stuff! She has an etsy store where you can look at all of her products. 

The main reason I wanted to try these products is because I have had terrible eczema on my hands since I got pregnant with Nash. It started with one finger seriously right when I got pregnant. Now, it is all over my right hand and it has been terribly uncomfortable. I have tried a ton of different lotions and nothing has worked! 

What's even worse is that regular lotions burn! That's not a good sign when you are trying to relieve pain and help your skin and it burns when you use certain products... I was using specific eczema aveeno lotion and it wasn't helping. 

I am now using skin food lavender hand treatment..
Here are the results after using it for just ONE day... Left pic is before, and right pic is 1 day after using her hand treatment. What a difference after just one day! 
This is my right hand right by my pinky. I had redness and bumps that was itching constantly. I am already happy with these instant results I have gotten. 

Here is an updated pic a week later... All this makes me want to do is buy more of her products! 
The only problem I am having is that I am constantly washing my hands.. Which obviously makes my eczema worse and I am going through the lotion like crazy. I am always doing dishes, feeding/cleaning up after my son, bathing him, etc etc.. But whatever it takes to help cure this! 

I also got some baby balm for Zane for his dry skin and several different bars of soap. Zane likes the baby balm rubbed on his back at night. I do it before he goes to sleep and it relaxes him. 

Since the weather is still crappy.. I decided to work on some projects for the boys' bedroom. 
I made all 5 of these pictures on the wall... The ones with the white frames are the ones I just recently did. I usually use my cricut for projects like these, but oddly enough I wanted to paint them free handed. I'm not the best painter by any means... But, I wanted them to look more handmade/ not perfect/ kid like (if that makes sense). I think I achieved that. Haha. 
I also just painted this little picture for their room as well. 

AND, I found the perfect frame laying around my house for Zane's little hand print project we did awhile back. Perfect size! That was pure luck! 
I also found these red baskets at the dollar store and just added their names to them. Easy stuff... 

I think we are almost done with their room... Few more things to do here and there but it's finally all coming together. 

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