Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nash Updates!!

I just wanted to take a minute and write down all my pregnancy feelings/symptoms/cravings etc this time around.

With my first, I was very very busy and don't remember taking it all in. This time, I definitely am. 

I am feeling kicks like crazy! He is very active and I love it! I don't love him kicking my bladder tho.. Haha and he feels very low. I felt low with Zane too, but this time he feels even lower. I feel great, no complaints at all really. I just wish I wasn't always so tired. I'm blaming this a lot on the weather and being bored inside. I really just don't like being pregnant in the winter. In fact, I am just completely over this winter. I am so ready for some warmer weather and outside time with Zane. For now though, I just keep myself busy with little projects around the house and cleaning. 

I am craving cereal like crazy! I can eat 3 bowls a day sometimes.. I try to eat healthy stuff though and not the sugary kind. I am also just craving sweets, which is really weird for me. I usually am not a sweets person at all. But right now, I love me a cookie or ice cream now and then. With Zane, I craved slushies and that was basically it. 

I have documented every week with Nash. I did the same thing with Zane (but missed a couple weeks throughout due to being too busy). 

I am using my Project Life phone app to document... You can read more about it in my scrapbooking tab.

So I am 27 weeks now. Zach and I can't believe how fast it is going.. We just had a recent ultrasound to check on Nash's progress. The cyst has completely gone away and he is just perfect! We got terrific news and it felt great! Now, just 3 more months to go...

I am sleeping well for now. The only thing I hate is not being able to sleep on my tummy. That's my favorite way to sleep.. So during both pregnancies I have hated the fact that I can only sleep on my back/side. It's also getting hard for me to get into our bed. My husband prefers it as high as it can go so his feet don't hit the footboard.. He's 6 ft 3 in, so he needs that extra space. He said he will get me a step stool when I am too big to hop onto the bed. Haha, thanks hubby!

No stretch marks! I didn't have any with Zane either. I actually bounced back to my pre-baby body easily. I basically lather myself up after each shower to ensure no stretch marks.
This is what I use to prevent stretch marks (for Zane and Nash). I buy it at the Motherhood store. It's $15 for this container. I go through probably three throughout my pregnancy. 

Big news for Zane this week... For nap, he now climbs into his big boy bed and falls asleep on his own, and sleeps for over 2 hours! Still waiting to transition him completely during the night. No rush since Nash won't need his crib really until Zane is 2, but he likes his big boy bed and I want him to be comfortable with it. 

Just look at him all snuggled up.. 
His red curtains make his room glow during the day.. Haha 

Well, that's it for now.. More to come later! :)

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