Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Zane updates- 20 Months

I have been very anxious to meet Nash, but it hasn't taken any attention away from my amazing, smart, handsome little man, Zane. He amazes me everyday with his milestones and overall personality. 

He's 20 months old now and is growing up more and more each day. I feel like I have to brag about all of his updates because I am such a proud mommy. He makes my heart melt. 

Here are my updates...

He is such a little boy... Makes the "boy noises" (that's what I call them) when he plays, just likes all boy things in general. 

He loves cars and trucks. He will make his "car noise" say "beep beep" and crawl on his hands and knees to push them around the floor. 

He likes to build with blocks. 

He loves playing with all kinds of balls.. shooting basketball hoops and playing with his Tball set. He impresses me with his skills already. 

He loves to have a playmate. He will grab my finger (or anyone else's) and say "play" and drag you to his playroom, room, wherever to get you to play with him.

He has (almost) all his teeth.. His last bottum tooth is getting ready to pop through and then all we have left is his 2nd molars. He had 3 coming in at once! Ouch! 

His vocabulary amazes me. He pretty much will repeat everything we say and is putting words together now. Our favorite thing is him saying "mommy" and "daddy" instead of "mama" and "dada". Zach and I think it's so cute! Also, when he screams "OH, NO!" It's so funny. It is still hard for me to understand him sometimes but I can usually determine what he is saying.

He is obsessed with Elmo. I really don't know why... He asks to watch "Elmo" all the time but gets mad when I put on sesame street and Elmo isn't on it the whole time. Haha. He has 3 Elmo stuffed animals and likes to carry them around. He never really watched it that much before he started liking him. It's pretty cute though. 

He LOVES books! He will bring zach or I book after book to read. His favorite is Nurse Nibbles. Even if I try to hide it in the mess of books we have, he will find it. This can sometimes go on for 30 mins or so.. Lol he just loves to read I guess!

He is such a good little eater. He loves carrots and broccoli, meats, cheese, fruits.. Everything. Zach and I usually don't have too much trouble getting him to eat unless we are out at a restaurant with family. He likes his routine which is eating with mom and dad at the dinner table each night. He also knows to say his prayer with us before we eat. He will grab our hands and sometimes even bow his head when we pray before dinner. He also uses his utensils really well. He loves to feed himself applesauce or yogurt. 

Here are some of my Project Life pages for this summer...
It's obvious that he really loves spending time with daddy. 

He loves the homemade Popsicles I made. I have a ton of recipes pinned on Pinterest, but I kinda just winged these. I used blueberries, strawberries, pears, apples, organic whole milk vanilla yogurt, and almond milk. They turned out pretty good apparently because he loves them. 

And how cute is this page of Zane and his bubby??? Can't wait for them to finally meet. 

He is fully transitioned into sleeping in his toddler bed. Last night, Lexi was begging to be in his room with him. So I let her in, and she climbed up on his bed. So cute. 
He hasnt fallen out at all but I have kept a blanket on the floor just in case. 

He LOVES playing in water. He is a water baby for sure and I love it! I can't wait to get him to the lake this year. It'll definitely be a blast! 


Especially because of the teething, he wants his wubba "pacifier" a lot. We have decided not to break him of it yet because of the baby coming. I would hate for him to give it up and then just regress when the baby comes. So we aren't rushing it as of now. 

Now more than ever (because I'm 40 weeks pregnant) I am having a hard time playing with him. He wants me on the floor and it just hurts my back too much. Sadly, he's been watching Elmo more than usual (bad mom status).. But let's be honest, sometimes I need a break. Lol

It's hard raising a little boy at this age and teaching him not to hit but letting him "rough house" with dad. It's one of Zach and Zane's favorite things to do.. They love wrestling with each other, being rough, and just being boys in general. But I'm trying my best to teach him it's only ok to "hit" when playing with daddy. Sometimes I'll catch him hitting at inappropriate times.. Hopefully this will get easier the older he gets. 

On a side note...

I just received my most recent order from SkinFood by Aubrey. I am loving my new "you say tomato" lip balm! Look at how pretty it is! 

Oh, and I also use her detox charcoal soap and her body butter on my face. It is so refreshing! 

I also bought the charcoal tooth polish. It looks scary because it's pure black, but I've heard good things and I'm anxious to see how it works!
Stay tuned! 

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