Monday, December 22, 2014

Sick Baby = snuggles GALORE

My poor little man has been sick since Saturday night... I am 100% blaming this on daycare! He just started this past week and went for 2 days- 2 days that caused my baby to become so sickly! One thing I HATE about daycare is the sicknesses... BUT there are so many things I love about it too.

This is off subject, but here's my experiences with daycare...
The daycare Zane is currently enrolled in now is the 3rd one he has been to. I liked and hated different things about each one.
The first one he went to was a very nice and well known daycare. However, the price was just outrageous! I'm talking $260 a week. And if you know anything about daycare you know most places don't do part-time or anything for infants (usually up to 18 months). It's basically a flat rate no matter if they are there or not (sickness, holidays, etc). This sucks. Why can't I just pay for the time he is there? Well, that would be ideal. I took him out of this daycare to save some money. My husband and I were planning on me quitting my job soon anyway, so we figured we should save some $ while we could.
We then took him to a daycare literally right around the corner from our home. It was a lot cheaper and more convenient. for us. However, what I didn't like about this place was the crap they fed my kid... I am VERY picky about the food I feed Zane. I made all of his baby food myself and refuse to give him all that food full of sugar (I will write a post about this more "new mommy tips"). If you take the time to read labels, you would be surprised about what they put in the foods we are supposed to feed our children. On several occasions, the kids would be eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast (with icing).. NOT what I would feed my child or what I want him eating at 8:00 am. They also would feed him cheeseballs.. They kept telling me he wouldn't eat his lunch, but he would eat cheeseballs. Well of course he would! wouldn't you? Geesh, these people pissed me off. Ok, so then we took him out of there as soon as I quit my job.
The daycare he is at now is very flexible. They are open until 8:00 pm and also on the weekends until midnight (for parents who need date nights and don't have a sitter). AND it is literally right across the street from my work- love this. As of now, I really like it. So we will see how this goes.
I LOVE daycare so Zane can be around other kids than just his cousins. He needs to socialize with other kids and I want him to be more independent. It is also good to have some time away from him. I love being with him, but sometimes being apart is necessary. Daycare has a lot of positives too.

ANYWAY... this post is supposed to be about my kid being sick.

We went out to dinner with my in-laws/family. Zane was already coughing and we could tell he wasn't feeling well. By the time we got home, he was miserable... When he is sick like this Zach and I always do this-- We take blankets and make a huge bed on the living room floor. This gives him plenty of room to roll around and allows us to lay with him. Our bed isn't big enough to have him in there and us be comfortable as well. And, Zach insists that we both don't need to be up with him all night. This allows one of us to take care of him and the other can get a good nights rest, and then we switch. This works perfectly for us and is often times what we would do when he was little if/when he had a hard tome sleeping or was ill.
And I definitely need to brag about my hubby.. He is just the sweetest guy ever. He slept with Zane in the living room Saturday night and let me get a full nights rest in our bed. Then we spent all day Sunday cuddling with each other (all 3 of us all day- it was great!). Zach slept with him again Monday night. (he insisted) I told him to let me, but he wanted to be the one to do it. Since he works during the days, I could reallly tell Zach was enjoying the never ending cuddle sessions with Zane. He took such good care of him. Plus, he is just too nice to his pregnant wife and didn't want me having to sleep on the floor. What a keeper :)

I got some good advice from some other mommy friends about what to do to help Zane while he was sick. I was already aware of some of the things.. such as vicks on his feet and chest, humidifier in his room, tylenol for fever, etc. However, we tried something new- Zarbee's naturals for his cough- this seemed to help a lot! Thanks to my other mommy friends for the help!!!

Zane is just not himself... he would hardly get off the couch and was trying to lay down on everything. He carries his TMNT blankie around everywhere and his wubbanub hasn't left his mouth (mommy and daddy are letting him do what he wants basically). He is just so sad and pathetic right now and it hurts my heart. However, daddy and I are absolutely loving the never ending cuddles we are getting. He is so lovable. We are hoping and praying he gets better by Christmas. He has a doc appt. tmrw. Luckily my mother in-law has the week off work and is watching him while I'm at work so he doesn't have to go to daycare. Thank you, Grandma!!!

During dinner on Saturday night...
Snuggling Mommy's arm
Cuddling with Daddy

Look at the pathertic face :(
More snuggles for Daddy

His "must haves".. BOTH wubbanubs, his TMNT blankie and pillow. Comfy on the couch watching cartoons.

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