Friday, December 19, 2014

Baby #2- It's another BOY!

My son is currently 15 months old at the moment and I am also pregnant with my second little BOY (name still undecided) that is due May 21st. Two boys!! I cannot explain how excited I am to have another little guy join our family. My husband (Zach) is especially excited! His dream come true! I am beyond thrilled that Zane will have a little brother that is very close in age (20 months apart) to grow up with.

When I was little, I always knew I wanted 2 kids- a boy first and then a girl. When we're little, we think we can just plan these things and they will happen, right? Well, I got my little boy I wanted as my first child. Then, after I had him I started thinking to myself... how many kids do I REALLY want? Do I really care what the sex is? What about what my husband wants? Well, the number 2 is pretty much set. Thats the number I have always wanted and my husband has wanted as well. OK, we have one decision made...well, kinda- people always change their minds, right?? Well, we are set for now.

As far as the sex goes... I was going to be happy either way. How could you not be?? But then I got to thinking... holy cow, there is so much stuff I would have to do if we have a girl- pretty much everything I own baby wise is boyish. And then I started panicking... I just recently quit my full-time job and dont have the income I used to. Im not prepared for this! And then my husband and I started disagreeing about everything if we had a girl. Why are we arguing about something we dont even know is going to happen?? - NOT OK in a marriage. So we quickly stopped the arguing and then went to find out the gender. haha this will solve it! And it did! I immediately saw a little penis as soon as she started the sonogram... "I see it!" I yelled.

So, why did I "hope" for a boy???

Lately, it has been babies GALORE around me. My family and friends have really been busy... :) and I'm definitely thrilled that it happens to be the same time my husband and I planned to have our children. When I got pregnant with Zane, all 3 of my brothers (blood, step, and in-law) had babies on the way as well. And guess what- they were all GIRLS and all within 5 months of Zane. And then my close friends all had girls and so did my cousin... so thats a total of 9 (yes, 9) girls and 0 (yes, 0) boys. Poor Zane... I just desperately wanted him to grow up with at least one other little boy close to his age. So God has graciously blessed us with another little boy on the way for Zane to grow up with. How exciting!

As for a girl?? I honestly cannot answer that. I can say that I do not feel like I have to have a girl. I am completely happy with just my two boys (well, three. Can't forget about my hubby). If Zach and I ever do decide to have a third child, it will be because we want to bring another child into our family, not because we want a girl. Plus, who says I'll have a girl the 3rd time? My instincts tell me, God has plans for me to be a mom to boys.. just my feeling.

And you know all those old wives tales they have about pregnancy and gender- none were true for me. One of the reasons I was stressing so much was because ALL signs were pointing to girl for me. I felt as though I was carrying lower, my body was reacting in ways it "should" if I was having a girl (from ridiculous posts/articles I read) AND this crazy little app I had on my phone said I got pregnant during the "girl time"- first of all- is this really a thing?? Well, not for me obviously.. haha I'm just saying- I believe God will give you the child he wants you to have.
Aren't these 3D images AMAZING! This was at 17 weeks- gender reveal.

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