Sunday, June 28, 2015

It Takes Two.

How do single moms do it???

I give them props and have so much respect for them. Especially if they have more than 1 child.

This post isn't about single moms though, it's about the respect, love, and gratitude I have towards my husband on a daily basis. For him being... him! He is a selfless, supportive, and hard working man that I am lucky enough to share my life and raise my kids with. 

Just like any other parents, we have sleepless nights and stressful mornings. But, the way we work together makes it work for us. I'm never miserable feeling. Thank goodness. Zach and I are the perfect team. If I'm up at night with the boys (or one of them), he will wake up early in the morning and let me go back to sleep. He knows when I'm in need of more rest and will help me out when I need it. And I do the same for him. It works great for us and helps us function happily as a family. 

Just look at us! These boys mean the world to me.. I love them so much! 
This is what our evenings consist of. Cuddles on the couch in the Florida room. Nash even waves at the camera.. Hahaha 

Marriage is hard work. If you're married, you know this. We have been married for about 3 years now, and together for 7. We have learned more from each other in the past 3 years then I could ever imagine. I love being married. I'm old school... I love that I took my husbands last name, I love wearing my ring on my finger, I love sharing everything with my husband. I was watching the "Today" show the other day and there was a story about a woman who didn't take her husband last name. That's fine if she doesn't want to, but to me, that was one big step in becoming a wife. I don't feel like I lost my "identity" when I changed my last name... (Which is basically what she was saying). I felt like I was beginning a new, exciting, and important chapter in my life. Because I was. 

I just got on Zachs case the other day for never wearing his wedding ring. It's been almost 3 years and he only wears it (when he remembers) out to places. Like if we were going out to dinner or a family function. And even then, he often times would forget and not have it on. Honestly, he doesn't wear it because it bothers him at work and he works with his hands. He wore it at first but took if off and lost it, so I had to buy another. 

It doesn't bother me because I think people are going to think he's single. I could care less about that. I am completely confident and sure enough in my relationship that my husband would never cheat on me or even hit on another woman or use his "no wedding ring" as an advantage. I want him to wear it because we are married and for some reason it's important to me that he wears it. I'm not insecure. I'm not jealous of other women and I don't worry about my husband leaving me or finding someone else. I can't explain it.. Other than, I just appreciate him showing to me that he loves me and will wear his ring to show that. Is that crazy? Lol now that I wrote about it, it kinda sounds like it. But I've been "letting it go" for about 3 years and I finally just decided to bring it up again. 

I think I have it pretty "easy" in my relationship. Does that make sense? I don't have much to complain about in my marriage. It's pretty great. I'm not making this up or sugar coating things. I'm not trying to convince people I have the perfect life. Because I don't and no one does. But, I'm trying to let people know, it is possible to find someone perfect for you. Don't settle. I hate when people do that. I've been in a relationship before that I thought was "great" and the "bad things" were normal. Boy was I immature and clueless. I am thankful for that relationship though because it has made my marriage better and me smarter and more mature in life. It made me realize what a relationship should and shouldn't consist of. And honestly, I taught me to work hard in my marriage to make is what it should be. I know I'm doing something right when my husband turns to me and says "I love you so much" and "you're such a good mommy". These comments make everything worth it and put a smile on my face.

Of course there are things I can complain about or get aggravated about. But, that's normal in a marriage and very much expected. Little things like... "I just washed the dishes and you put your cereal bowl in the sink when you could easily put it in the dishwasher" and "please close the closet door!" (This always happens.. Lol) all come to mind. 

My poor husband.. Lol I'm OCD so he has learned how to cope with my craziness. My house is always clean. No joke. I have to have it clean. That's just me. Oh, and my poor kids.. Haha Zane has learned that mommy likes him to clean up his toys and not to play with mommys decorations. Hey, he listens well and he never messes with my decor. I've taught him well. It's become harder to keep up with things since I quit my job. Since we are home most of the time, the house gets messier faster and easier. So I have to stay on top of things more. 

Quick subject change...

My family and I took our first trip to lake Cumberland this past Fourth of July weekend. It was a great trip! Ok. So the weather was kinda crappy but in a way it was great so I didn't have to worry about the boys being in 90 degree weather and crazy sun. Zane loves the lake and the water. And Nash was an angel the whole time. He loved it too!

BUT, this trip really opened my eyes about how out of shape I am! I know I just had a baby.. I get that. But there is no reason why I should be out of breath after walking up a hill. My back was hurting from picking up Zane and carrying Nash and my bones were just sore all around. I have got to do something about this. 

So, I have decided to start walking more and do some at home workouts. Right now I don't want to have to buy a membership anywhere since Nash is still pretty little. So hopefully this makes a difference. All I want is to feel better. I don't need to be "losing weight" but I do need to tone! 

I get a lot of comments about my weight and I understand people think I'm small. I am. In fact, that's who I am. I have always been tiny, so my size is something that is pretty consistent. But I'm realistic and realize that it's not just how you look, it's how you feel that's even more important. And this momma needs to feel better about herself and her health. Stay tuned for some progress reports eventually! I just need to stick with it! 

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