Thursday, July 23, 2015

Time flies...

I can't believe im already saying this, but...

Nash will be 2 months old tomorrow, AND Zane will be two in just 2 short months. 

I can't help but feel a little sad that my boys are growing up so quickly. Moms are always getting a little teary eyed and upset when their little ones get older. Yes, it makes us sad that these "baby years" are flying by so quickly. But the truth is, I'm so excited to watch my boys grow and learn over the years. Yes, it's sad to know that they won't always be this little. But as they get older, I know they will start appreciating things more and be able to do more things. Plus, it's so fun to watch them progress and learn new things. It amazes me how quickly they pick things up. 

Zach and I plan our lives around making sure the boys are having a good time and just enjoying life in general. As a stay at home mom- I am constantly doing things with my boys throughout the week to keep them entertained, happy, energetic, and social. I'm constantly on play dates.. Whether it's at someone's house, the playground, splash pad, waterpark.. Etc. I play outside with Zane constantly so we aren't inside the house all day. On the weekend, zach and I think of what we can do with the boys.. Boonshoft, cosi, the zoo, the pool... Anything to have a good time with our family. Of course we do our "adult stuff" like work on the house still, but our lives are mainly focused around the kids. Isn't that how is supposed to be when you're a parent? Lol honestly, we enjoy all these activities with them. Obviously Nash is a little too young to appreciate all of our thoughtfulness (hahaha) but I know he, and Zane, will grow up and appreciate it. Or at least, they better! Lol 

I have to admit, I'm a little spoiled with how good of a baby Nash is. Boy, I got lucky! Zane wasn't the easiest baby. Nash, is a cakewalk compared to him. But in Zane's defense, he went through a lot at the beginning and it wasn't easy on any of us. 

Just look at this sweet face..

He is getting so big and growing out of his 3 month pajamas too fast. His little legs seem so long. He hits and sometimes grabs toys already. He likes to sit up and try to stand.. He is starting to giggle more and loves to smile at us. He wakes up only one time at night (for the most part) and zach and I alternate mornings with him. He usually wakes up at 6 and Zane shortly after. 

Both the boys go down around 12:30 for nap. This is Nash's long nap. He sleeps the whole time Zane does.. Between 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours.. Lucky mommy here!! This allows me to get thigs done, work on projects, and stay sane ;) haha 

Zane is almost two and amazing me everyday. He is doing such a good job with his words and making sentences. He will say "please, mommy" and it's so cute. He knows what I'm saying and will follow directions (unless he is being stubborn). He is still eating wonderfully. He has a great appetite. Loves his veggies and fruits still. All his teeth are in but sometimes I think they still bother him. He is always chewing on things.. Even his fingers sometimes. 

Zane loves Nash so much. It's the cutest thing. He is always aware of where he's at and helps with him a lot. 

I can't wait to watch these two little boys grow up and be best friends. 

Speaking of boys and best friends... My best friend that I have known my whole life just had her first baby this week. I literally cried when I found out she was having a boy. We are basically surrounded by girls (a total of 7 nieces and 0 nephews in our families). I just wanted a little boy around for my boys so bad. His name is Ethan Michael and he is perfect. He is only 2 months younger than Nash. Isn't he perfect?? 

The future holds lots of fun times ahead of us! 

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